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ESWT (Heel Spurs, Tennis Elbow, Fibrositis)

ESWT is a treatment method based on the principle of creating a treatment effect by focusing high-intensity sound waves on tissues in the body. These sound waves focus on damaged or painful areas in the body, encouraging the healing process and reducing pain.

Conditions Where ESWT Is Used
Heel Spur

Heel spur (plantar fasciitis) is a condition that causes severe pain at the base of the heel. ESWT is used as an effective method in the treatment of heel spurs. High-intensity sound waves are applied to the heel spur area, reducing pain and promoting healing.

Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) is a condition that causes pain and limited mobility in the elbow area. ESWT is used as an effective option in the treatment of tennis elbow. Sound waves focus on damaged tissues, reducing pain and supporting healing.


Fibroids refer to painful conditions that occur in muscles and tendons. ESWT is also used in the treatment of fibroids. Sound waves affect damaged tissues, increasing blood circulation, accelerating healing and reducing pain.

How is ESWT Treatment Applied?

ESWT treatment is usually applied by a specialist in a clinical setting. The treatment area is covered with a gel or oil on the device. Then, the sound waves are applied to the skin to focus on the treatment area. The duration of treatment and the number of sessions may vary depending on the severity of the condition and the needs of the patient.


ESWT (Heel Spur, Tennis Elbow, Fibroids) is a treatment option used as an effective method in the treatment of painful conditions. It is known that sound waves promote healing and reduce pain by focusing on damaged areas in the body. It is important to consult a specialist health professional to learn more about ESWT and evaluate your treatment options.