Ophthalmology is a medical specialty that diagnoses and treats problems such as abnormal functioning of the eyes or loss of vision. Eye diseases include problems that can occur in any part of the eye structure, such as the cornea, retina, pupil, optic nerves, tear ducts and eye muscles.
Eye diseases usually present with the following symptoms: loss of vision, double vision, redness, itching, burning, watering, sensitivity to light, swelling and pain in the eyes. Eye diseases can be caused by many factors, including genetic factors, infections, allergic reactions, injuries, aging, diabetes and other chronic diseases.
Eye diseases are diagnosed using eye examinations, vision tests and other medical imaging techniques when necessary. Ophthalmologists apply medication, surgical intervention, laser treatment and other treatment methods depending on the type and severity of the disease. Preventive measures and regular eye examinations are also recommended to maintain eye health.
Ophthalmologists diagnose patients' eye problems and determine the appropriate treatment plan. These treatment plans may include medication, surgical interventions, assistive devices such as contact lenses or glasses, and eye exercises.
Ophthalmology also works in collaboration with other medical specialties such as optometry, optics, neurology, otolaryngology and plastic surgery to provide the best treatment methods for patients' eye health.